Saturday, May 28, 2011

Press release 28 May 2011

Campaigners for Metro services to be extended to Blyth have expressed their disappointment at comments from a rail users group about their proposals.

In the News Post Leader last week Dennis Fancett of SENRUG stated that the potential journey time from Ashington to Central Station would kill off the business case for any metro extension.

Campaigners told the NPL that they felt SENRUG had missed the point.

'The beauty of Metro as a system is that it's not about Central Station, but all the stations in between, If you live in Blyth and work at the Ministry then a train to Central Station is no use, and it's not economic to buy a rail season ticket to Palmersville and a Metro season ticket.'

As yet, campaigners acknowledge, they haven't formed a group like SENRUG. Asked why, a campaigner said
'SENRUG has been campaigning to re-open the AB&T for a decade, and nothing has happened. It's more important to look at what people need and want than to form a group with job titles and structures. That's why we're concentrating on the petition and publicity. We want to see if people would prefer Metro, one slow train an hour as proposed by SENRUG for some time in the distant future, or the buses and traffic jams they already have.'

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